Early Intervention Assessments

Assessments are a critical component of early intervention, providing a comprehensive understanding of a child’s developmental strengths and areas in which they might require further support.

Using a range of tools and observations, our assessments help identify potential delays or challenges early on, enabling timely support tailored to each child’s unique needs.

These assessments can be facilitated in the childcare/school or home environment.

Occupational Therapy

Sensory Processing Assessment ($485)

Includes Sensory Processing Measure (SPM), consultation with Occupational Therapist, written summary and recommendations.

Duration: 1.5 hours face to face + 1 hour report development

Comprehensive Developmental & Sensory Assessment ($776)

Includes standardised developmental assessment, Sensory Processing Measure (SPM), consultation with Occupational Therapist including a routines-based interview, written comprehensive summary, and recommendations.

Duration: up to 2.5 hours face to face + up to 2 hour report development (4 hours total)

Speech Therapy

Speech Assessment ($776)

Includes Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology (DEAP), consultation with Speech Pathologist, and detailed assessment report including recommendations.

Duration: 2 hours face to face + 2 hour report development = 4 hours

Language Assessment ($776)

Includes standardised Language assessment, consultation with Speech Pathologist, and detailed assessment report including recommendations.

Duration: 2 hours face to face + 2 hour report development = 4 hours

Comprehensive Speech and Language Assessment ($875)

Includes standardised Speech and Language assessments, consultation with Speech Pathologist, and detailed assessment report including recommendations.

Duration: 2.5 hours face to face + 2 hour report development

Potential assessments may include:

  • Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology (DEAP)

  • Preschool Language Scales - Fifth Edition (PLS-5)

  • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Preschool - Third Edition (CELF-P3)

  • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Fifth Edition (CELF-5)

*The amount of time taken to complete the assessment/s may vary and will be discussed during an initial phone or email consultation. For assessments of high complexity requiring increased consultation time, additional fees will be charged at $96.99 per 30 minutes.

*Please note that travel costs are not included in the listed prices. Additional charges may apply depending on the location and distance of the services provided. We are committed to transparency and will work with you to provide a clear estimate of any travel-related expenses prior to your appointment.